panel from danger girl #6 showing a brunette girl in a skintight outfit with her back bent and one leg on a ledge raised up, but the curve of her back to her butt implies both buttcheeks are facing the audience but her other leg implies the opposite
page from danger girl #6 showing a brunette girl in a skintight outfit with her back bent and one leg on a ledge raised up, but the curve of her back to her butt implies both buttcheeks are facing the audience but her other leg implies the opposite, other panels around it show the outfit hugging her buttcheeks and being zipped down almost to her crotch as she fights

Schrodinger's Butt

Aside from her catsuit being attached by superglue, I had to stare at that last panel for a long time.

It looks almost like that's both her buttcheeks but also only one of her buttcheeks at the same time.  A true Schrodinger's butt.

(Panels from Danger Girl #6, Cliffhanger Comics, submitted by Anonymous)