comic panel showing Lady Death fighting Purgatori, Lady Death is yelling "Blood sucking slut!" and Purgatori who is flying away from her in a boobs and butt pose with her butt at a 90 degree bend to her torso shouts "Necrophilic Bitch!"
2 comic panels showing Lady Death defeated with Purgatori licking between her legs, lapping at her blood ostensibly, and then biting her chest, but it sure looks like she's doing something else, Purgatori is also in a centaur pose except bent down

Boobs and butt flirt-fighting

They're supposed to be fighting, but I'm pretty sure they're flirting and foreplaying.  Also I assume Purgatori's "attack" in that panel is dealing 69 points of damage. >_>

(Panels from Lady Death vs. Purgatori, Chaos! Comics)