panels from Black Flag #0 of Geisha (purple haired girl ) bent over a dead body with her breasts pressing against her thighs, below that panel is another with her lying in bed in socks with her butt behind her shoulder
panels from Black Flag #0 with Geisha (purple haired girl in a white tank top and purple shorts) bending over and thrusting her butt upwards showing her panties and also pushing her butt above her back, next to it is a panel of her kicking backwards with her panties/crotch visible between her legs

The Ubiquitous Foldable Girl

Submitted by Anonymous

While looking this character up (who it turns out has been on this blog before), I discovered her name is "Geisha" which... is suboptimal.  Also she does not have the power to turn herself into plasticine... as far as I know... but from the evidence, I'm not so sure.

(Panels from Black Flag #0, Maximum Press)