cover of "Green Arrow & Black Canary: Road to the Altar" trade paperback with Black Canary in front of a montage of Green Arrow and a boy being kidnapped, she is standing in a possible boobs and butt pose with her hands up in a fighting pose and her butt thrust out to the opposite side

RIP Escher Gulls we hardly knew you

Hi all, unfortunately the Penguin-Linux-American Eagle-Toronto Blue Jays acquisition fell through.  The CEOs took one look at the Escher Girls inbox and then noped out as their eyes melted and they reported sympathy back pains.  So it looks like you're all stuck with regular Escher Girls content again.

C'est la vie.

Anyway, have one more bird and butt pose for the road.

-  Ami

(and happy April Fools Day, I hope you all had fun)