Who even reads computer gaming magazines for info about computer gaming amirite?
From Jess Morrisette on Twitter:
Wow, there is A LOT going on in the letters column from the August 2003 issue of Computer Gaming World. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't pictures of 'scantily clad women' the whole point of a computer gaming magazine?"
I mean, there's also the "computer gaming" part, I think. But I could be wrong. Apparently, sexy pictures of women aren't just part of gaming mag culture but the whole point of them.
Click on Jess' Twitter thread for even more snippets from the letters page that month. He's right, there definitely was a lot going on. o_o
(Excerpt from Computer Gaming World magazine, August 2003)
Transcript of letter by "Christian" for screenreaders:
"Sexy time!
In the June issue, someone said "I am tired of opening a magazine (even a computer gaming magazine) and seeing pictures of real/fake scantly clad women." Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't pictures of "scantily clad women" the whole point of a computer gaming magazine?"