purple haired anime girl kneeling in a loose yet boobsock tight turtleneck sweater, breasts defying gravity
purple haired anime girl on her tiptoes on the beach in a tiny bikini with her breasts floating

Adventures of the Fruit Smuggling Ninja (part 3)

anon submitted:

Continuing on with the Escher Girl that is Raikou Fategrandorder, here’s other official art of her by the same artist that’s even hornier (first picture), and that’s not even covering her Lancer-class swimsuit version which looks like pieces of four different women stuck together (second picture).

This is a good news/bad news kind of deal, I see.

Good news: she's a trans ally and signalling it with her awesome beach towel thing

Bad news: she got into an unfortunate glue accident while wearing her favourite sweater and now her sweater is stuck tightly to her breasts ):  This is gonna be painful to remove.  I'm having sympathy boob pains for her again...

(Submission broken up into parts to spread out the pictures)

Part 1

Part 2