login screen for Novagenesis with a green haired elf girl with a puma behind her, she appears to be butt slamming the puma or jumping back at it, her clothes consist of a sash over her crotch and pants that appear connected to her boobs separately with nothing holding them up

Maybe she glued herself to the puma while trying to keep her dress on

Edite Fiskovica submitted:

I found this in World of Warcraft Nova Genesis mmorpg ad.

There are lots of things happening there, but many have been seen before.

But wait, look at the direction her right ear is pointing, then look at her left one. Either she can detach her ears from her skull or she has a strong case of random wonky-ear.  

Wonk ear is definitely new.  Also, I cannot for the life of me figure out a) what she's doing other than butt-bumping that puma(?) and b) what's going on with her clothes.  How is her "dress" attached to her boobs like that?  Elf glue I guess... and I'm very skeptical of how her sash is held together with everything else.  Maybe she glued herself to the puma while trying to keep her dress on.

(Screenshot of Nova Genesis, R2Games)