eclecticcreative: This is the official

eclecticcreative submitted:

This is the official release poster of the anime “To be a Heroine”.

OK, no balloon boobs, I’ll give her that, but that is a pretty rubber spine–it’s going at 90 degrees so that her boobs can be thrust out. Plus both her arms are dislocated from their sockets (and her left elbow is off too–if her arm is going straight back and that is an elbow joint, then it shouldn’t bend like it does.) The right arm is also off even if foreshortened because an elbow is not a ball and socket joint. with that true, this also means that the upper part of the arm is too short, making her arms of different lengths. Also her hips are weird–she either has a really big butt or a distorted hip structure.

Given that, I did a skeleton to show the issues with the drawing.

Ooh, thanks for the analysis and the breakdown!  It’s very helpful and interesting. :3