Multi-tag Soul Calibur fun!
AzureMacha submitted:
"This is my first submission, so I apologize for any errors. And for the glare from the lighting. I didn’t have access to a scanner.
Found this mess from the book Japanese Comickers 2. Instantly thought of this blog and had to attempt a redline. Broken spines, centaur bodies, detachable limbs and no organs for everyone!
As well as an attempt to fix it. ( Minus hands, because I cannot draw them to save my life. xD; )"
I found a nicer version and put it at the top.
Putting aside Voldo, who’s meant to have the body horror flexibility thing going (his Tetris cosplay is bang on though), I’m really impressed by the girl on the left and how you can see boobs, her pelvis, and both her butt cheeks.
(Soul Calibur 2 art by Hyung Tae Kim in Japanese Comickers 2: Draw Manga and Anime Like Japan's Hottest Artists, Comickers Magazine)
[no tumblr x-post link due to tumblr flagging]