I combined two redraws into one post

I combined two redraws into one post again because they were of the same picture.

yondamoegi submitted:

My quick redraw of this http://eschergirls.tumblr.com/post/46105712517/theannfoster-submitted-in-case-you-were

It’s still not perfect, but it looks decent.

I made a redraw of this post http://eschergirls.tumblr.com/post/46105712517/theannfoster-submitted-in-case-you-were

I didn’t change her pose, what I did was to make her waista little bit bigger, change the shape of their breasts a bit, add nipples, and try to fix her legs,it’s not perfect but I think it’s an improvement, I also I did a version of her with a white T shirt underneath, like her partner