Elxia: Normally…i wouldnt  do

Elxia submitted:

Normally…i wouldnt  do redraws.. especially of characters i dont know(though i might just check lady death out..she looks kinda cool). how after seeing this : http://eschergirls.tumblr.com/post/11618443745/pro-tip-when-sketching-from-mannequins-make-sure , i had to..i just fucking had too. i don’t even think the pose bothers me more of the fact that…there basically cashing in on  a lesbian fantasy (or maybe that’s just what i see) so  i redrew it, fixing what i could , and actually made them look like a couple..and made shi?(is that her name?) look the race shes suppose to be..although..as a fan of geisha and ninjas (which is what it looked like they were mixing together to make her) it took A HELL of a lot not to completely change that costume…it really really did. I hate when people turn other cultures in to sexual fantasies (and then make them look white)  Sorry if lady death looks a bit chunky…corel painter was fighting me every damn step of  the way.  

I suppose the scene in my head is that  Lady Death teased her and said she couldn’t top..and well Shi kicked her ass..explaining how rough Lady Death looks.

You do win.