ghostgreen: eschergirls



all-stuffing-and-no-turkey submitted:

Has Meifon Li ever been submitted?  Because she deserves it for her completely ridiculous, impractical outfit, and gravity defying boobs.  Oh, and when she’s not fighting, her sword is a little fuzzy animal that lives in her cleavage.

I think we just got a candid shot of her legs being late to the photo shoot and just rushing in as it starts.

i took a short break from my work to draw a lower body on Miss Li here, because i had to figure out what the hell her legs looked like out of sick curiosity

and oh yeah! i couldn’t figure out where her right arm was- it’s over her head, gripping the staff. have mercy. 

Ah, that’s amazing.  And you know, until you pointed it out, I had no idea where her right arm was either!