JZBai : Hello! I usually only just read

JZBai  submitted:

I usually only just read this blog, but I was inspired to actually post something after reading through the comments on onewayconversationalist’s Xianghua submission and its various re-draws.
Many were discussing the practicality of the fighting stance and I just wanted to add my own two cents as a person who has Chinese kung fu experience and also practices a sword art.  The bottom line is that Xianghua’s pose by itself is both unrealistic and impractical in combat.  I went through the trouble of breaking it down and showing other alternatives that are both reasonable in combat and fitting for Xianghua’s kung fu style.  I’m not sure if my drawing is good enough or if it’s appropriate for the blog, but I do know good kung fu when I see it and Xianghua’s pose is not that.  Peace.