spacialrebel: This is an official image


This is an official image of Chun-Li from the Street Fighter video game series, which I found at Escher Girls! Redraws are popular there and I’m in an art mood, so why not?

  1. She is SO bottom heavy… except, of course, for her voluptuous… -ness. The first frame is a redline of her body structure. It hurts me. She does have decent muscles for a fighter, though, so there’s that.
  2. Her head is just… wrong. So I redid that entirely. Her spine is, surprisingly, ALMOST okay, IF we put a bit more meat on her bones, and mess with her posterior a little bit… she had the beginnings of some extreme centaur spine syndrome there. I also HATED her stupid leg pose, because it made her look like she was posing for her boyfriend in a naughty sext. So I changed that too.
  3. Blacklined it with the basic body shape (no costume). You still get a bit of side-boob, which apparently wasn’t enough for the artist here. Her skull now has enough room for the brain that I suppose was assumed that all females lack, and we aren’t breaking her neck either. Defined muscles. She has room in her torso for her vital organs. No longer THRUSTING HER ASS AT US. The pose is also still essentially the same (sans the walking); she’s looking over her shoulder.
  4. Add her ridiculous costume back on. Okay, I know that skirt is almost her trademark, but I gave her some pants anyway. ._. Forgive the transgression.
  5. A friendly reminder: boobs aren’t spherical nexuses of anti-gravity dark matter! They have weight; they move; and even the most uncomfortable of bras is never going to force them into a perfectly circular, perfectly upright position!

Disclaimer: I am not an anatomy expert and am only an amateur artist/student, so I may have made my own mistakes, which you are free to point out.

The pose is less dynamic, but you were working with what you had and trying not to make it look like she’s about to fall over.  I really like what you pointed out about the breasts though.  A lot of these drawings seem to act as if breasts are metal orbs sticking out of our chest and therefore are exactly the same from any angle or position.  And even though I’ve never had a problem with Chun Li’s outfit, I think the pants are a really interesting change and don’t look out of place at all, and it’s not like Chun Li’s never fought in pants before.