niqaeli: Escher Girls just posted this


Escher Girls just posted this and while I’m not a fantastic artist, I’ve a little training and the lines on this were freaking me out (yes, more so than some of the other more egregious things I’ve seen on Escher Girls for some reason).  So, here’s my terrible and very rough sketch of where the lines of this woman are.

You may notice that I didn’t hook the arms up.  That is because I couldn’t actually figure out how to make them hook into her skeleton in a way that made any sense at all.  Like, not even making anatomical sense, but like… where do they even connect?  Also, her right arm is in a position that freaks me the hell out given its relation to the rest of her body.

I won’t be doing an actual redraw of this (see: not that great an artist), but yeah.  This?  Is why we talk about broken spines so much.  And that’s not even touching on how her pelvis makes no anatomical sense.

A bunch of lines and circles have never caused me to wince that much.  Poor Artemis!