panel from elektra 17 showing Nina McCabe (blonde woman in a black version of Elektra's ninja leotard and hairband, wielding two swords behind her back as she jumps in the air with her butt cocked toward the audience, she is in a boobs and butt pose with her breasts in tight boobsocks
panel from elektra 17 showing Nina McCabe (blonde woman in a pony tail) in a white mini skirt and top floating in darkness with the dialogue about how she was between life and death her butt is facing the audience and her torso cocked forward to thrust her butt back, the text boxes say "It was the nothingness between life and death, an awesome relief from the pain and horror I had just endured"
panel from elektra 17 showing Nina McCabe (blonde woman in a black version of Elektra's ninja leotard, and black knee high boots), she is jumping at Elektra who is off-panel, she has her knees bent up and her feet strongly en pointe, her chest is pointed at the audience, her breasts are in boobsocks, and her buttcheeks are facing the audience too so she's in a boobs and butt pose

More Butts, More Ninjas

As a follow-up to the last submission, I was flipping through the comic and it's not just Elektra whose butt always has to be shown to the audience, Nina's butt is facing the audience even more I think, no matter the situation.

Even when she's dead and floating in the void she's still pushing her butt out. xD

Also I think her legs has come off in that 2nd panel and ouch her feet in the 1st.

(Panels from Elektra #17, Marvel Comics)