panel of Catwoman underwater fighting an octopus, in one panel she's being wrenched by the octopus into a tetris shape with her back bent like a centaur into an L shape with her lower back and butt 90 degrees to her back and shoulders, her mouth is wide open and she's saying "Yikes. Now it's REALLY getting grabby."
panel of Catwoman underwater fighting an Octopus that's grabbing her with tentacles and twisting her as she tries to get away, she's being twisted into a weird boobs and butt pose but with her crotch and legs facing us and her breasts twisted away
panel from catwoman vol. 2 #48 of Catwoman under water with a tentacle coming from the bottom fo the view heading towards her mouth with her eyes wide open and her mouth open in an O shape
panel from catwoman vol. 2 #48 showing Catwoman complaining about having to wear an oxygen tank under water and throwing her head back with a wide open mouth and big eyes rolling back into her head saying "forget it clutterbuck, i'll just strap 10 of these breathers around my arm!"
2 panels from catwoman vol. 2 #48 with both panels having her face be her mouth in a big O shape and her eyes wide and rolling upward with guards looking up behind her
panel from catwoman vol. 2 #48 with a panel of somebody saing off screen "out here, we have the main grotto area" and Catwoman going "woah" with her mouth wide open in an O shape and her eyes looking upward

Oh it's the Catwoman anime

Somebody showed me this issue and between the tentacle groping (and twisting her into a Tetris shape) and constant O face, I'm like "oh I think I've seen this anime before".

I did like her dramatic refusal to wear an air-tank though, that reminded me of a housecat being dramatic about taking a bath so that really fits.

(Panels from Catwoman vol. 2 #48, DC Comics)