panel from Birds of Prey vol. 1 #3 with black canary in a boobs and butt swivel punch post while jumping through some enemies
cover of birds of prey vol. 1 #3 with Black Canary kicking at Catman with her back bent at 90 degrees in a boobs and butt pose

Boobs and Butts of Prey

heoihfehfoieh91829 submitted:

From Birds of Prey 3. I’m actually a big fan of Birds of Prey, but these images are classic Escher Girls.

Both of these have actually been on this blog before (here and here for those curious), though these are better quality so I'll accept the re-submission.  Also, the cover in the original post was kind of buried under a tree that somebody submitted which looked exactly like her fighting pose (It really does, check it out). 

 (Cover and panel from Birds of Prey vol. 1 #3, DC Comics)