7 page panel original comic starring EG mascots, Esme and Cherry where Esme is sexily eating a popsicle and Cherry is asking "why are you like this?"

Totally normal sexual popsicle eating, nothing to see here

From the brilliant Nicky Trashfox, comes the first official Escher Girls comic starring our mascots, Esme and Cherry! :D  This is going to be the first of a regular comic series where Esme and Cherry deal with various Escher Girls tropes and just have fun with them.  We've already plotted out the next one and it should hopefully be up next week. :)

Also, Esme and Cherry will be illustrating the Glossary which we're working on now!  I hope everybody enjoys the comic!

(Nicky is also open for commissions if anybody needs work done contact her via Twitter: https://twitter.com/trashpanstudios)