Anon: just a wonderful ad for some

Anon submitted:

just a wonderful ad for some unspecified game (clicking on the ad redirected me to a game called Flower Knight Girl so I guess it’s supposed to be for that but I couldn’t identify this… creature further as a character in the game so who knows, really) that jumped up on me and stunned me into a long silence. I don’t even know where to begin - at this point it’d be easier to point out what isn’t wrong… even if we ignore the swivel waist, boobs and butt pose, broken neck, general rubber spine and the fact that her left boob is somewhere at her shoulder; did nobody ever tell this poor girl that it is extremely impractical to fight in only a short coat, that tends to flare up, over your underwear? or is that like a distraction technique, along with that… shirt… that is basically nipple covers?

It looks like she accidentally glued her clothes to her skin and then the clothes suddenly shrunk