flutterbyesandpollywogs: eschergirls



She looks very upbeat for somebody who just had holy water poured on her and is clearly melting.

(Succubus Queen from Darklord Legends, Nexon Korea Corporation)

 Okay, you want to know what gets me about this?

It could have so easily been a completely different, much less two-people-chopped-up-and-recombined pose, to the degree that I initially thought I was looking at that for a few seconds until I saw the lower left part of the image.


And that would have made sense for a cute little succubus girl, wouldn’t it: Cute, playful pose, albeit one with wide open legs.

It makes me half wonder if that was the original pose and then the editor asked for a specific kind of legs and, hey, it’s a paycheck and these things are on a super tight schedule anyway, so may as well just stick on those legs, get the approval, and move on, right? Who needs it to make sense?

That’s a neat quick redo of the pose, I like it :)  And you could be right, as I’ve mentioned before artists have written me saying that they do a pose one way then an editor or somebody tells them to show butt or breasts and they end up having to draw a broken rubbery pose to make it work.  In this case, maybe the artist was told to show more thigh or sidebutt.