History's Most Vacuum-Sealed Heroines

pre-corpse-world submitted:

History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi Ch 576 (NSFW)

First image is Shigure, going her boobs and butt battle pose (with strategically ripped clothing).  She’s actually been completely naked in this comic for about 10 chapters or so.

Second image wasn’t given a name.  I’ve decided to go with Centaur McFootballboobs.

Third image is Shizuha.  In addition to having an L shaped spine, also appears to have a nasty wedgie.

Fourth image also wasn’t given a name.  But I believe has one of the most ridiculous costumes I’ve ever seen.

“My god, it’s full of boobs and butt.”

(From Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple #576 by Syun Matsuena)