freaklessevolution: WHAT. DA. HELL Dude,



Dude, this is like Escher Girls territory here. Way, waaaay into Escher territory. 

I saw how bad the Witchblade (Top Cow comics) art work can be, so I wondered how bad the Japaneses Manga artwork would be. One Google image search later this showed up. X’D

While I’m not one those “The boob and butt pose must die!! It breaks anatomy!! It’ll snap your back! It’s exploitive!” type people, since it is possible and it’s not nearly as painful as people say it is(I do a lot of posing b n’ b in the mirror and observing my friend, friend->short,: me->tall).

But there are ways to do it right and ways to do it wrong, and I mean wrong, wrong, wrooooooong.

But the one above, her knees looks like it’s swaying backwards so much it’s making my own knees hurt! :[ And her breasts should be a little more spread out(but that’s a minor nit-pick). One leg is much shorter than the other(I thinks it’s more crappy foreshortening than style choice) and I think her arm is messed up and very scrawny, but I can’t tell for sure because of the armor (you win this time artist >:C )

The bottom one speaks for itself. D:

I do like the coloring and color scheme though.

Ah manga Witchblade, how I missed you.