And here’s my favourites from the last

And here’s my favourites from the last Caption Contest :)

Jenny Creed answered: Do you at any point in your day have less than three adoring servants/personal trainers/cooks/love slaves hanging onto your every word and catering to your every need? Do you wish to rectify this? Consider a career in wearing poorly drawn tube shaped swimming trunks!

Jenny Creed answered: Does gravity and anatomy seem to bend and curl around you? Do people also seem to treat you as if you were literally the center of the universe? You may be suffering from Playboy Fantasy. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor or therapist.

steeple333 answered: Beware of life-sized barbie dolls posing as acutal women.

rivenchu answered: Save the world, adopt a bikini babe today!

mxc725 answered: Global warming may be a problem, but radioactive mutation is far more serious!

nowhiteflags answered: By the time they are rubbing lotion on you, it’s too late. Keep your eyes open for mutants.

ka-atis answered: Why wait for Global Warming kicking in? Buy BIW - Bottled Individual Warming! Melts your body within the day!

snatching-fedoras answered: Do not expose the Fembot 9000 to direct sunlight, or she will melt.

4thstar answered: Cheap taxidermy can lead to unexpected results. Don’t be cheap; trust your loved ones to a certified, professional taxidermist.

theoneandonlynoun answered: Due to Global Warming, ice sculptures like this poor one here are going extinct. Please help us save this species for future generations.

tigere47 answered: Beware the increased gravity on our beaches. Standing up for too long may cause such symptoms as necklessness.

liligan answered: Misspelling your sound effects can lead to such horrible side effects as torso loss in women and arm loss in men.

ladysiris answered: No one suspected it was the T-1000 rubbing lotion on his skin!

jazmeister answered: REMEMBER: rub your sculpture gently with the fixative gel, or it will collapse!

betterbemeta answered: Don’t drink and draw; clearly the lady is a victim of beer goggle vision

milkynubs answered: this image is advertising an oil that causes your nipples to disappear