2 panel comic page from Jade Warriors #1, first panel shows a regular looking dude sitting on a couch watching TV when the doorbell rings and he wonders who it could be in the thunderstorm going on, second panel shows an Asian woman wearing a tight orange top that barely covers the top of her nipples with her arms wrapped around her chest and her back arched wearing low-cut jeans with white liquid ("rain") dripping off her body as she asks for his help

This Is How Rain Works, Right?

I think this is supposed to be sexy and a male fantasy but oh my god somebody get her an ambulance.  And I think that’s acid, not water that’s dripping off her, look her boobs are already starting to melt off her chest!

(Page from Jade Warriors #1, Image Comics)

Text for screenreaders:

Panel 1:

Narration Box: Poway, California, Home of a Certain Unmarried Writer:

Thought of dude on couch: Geez, I could swear the weather's making my arm ache. Biggest thunderstorm we've had in months! Maybe they should've left the cast on for another week. But I can't type with... *Sound effect of doorbell ringing.* Huh--? Who'd be visiting in this downpour?!"

Panel 2:

Girl soaked in "rain" standing in his doorway: "Bob? Bob Campbell...? I'm Angel Sorayama. "Deathkiss." Remember...? I need somewhere safe to sleep. Will you help me? Eep...!"