Japanese cover of Kenichi: The World's Greatest Disciple vol. 1 showing a black haired anime boy holding his fist at the audience viewpoint, next to him is a blonde haired girl in a braid with a purple bodysuit that hugs her breasts in boobsocks and jumping in a serious boobs and butt pose

Kenichi boobs and butt again

jenwantshotbutt submitted:

This is from volume 1 of the manga Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple. Do I need to point out the boobs and butt pose? I was recommended this manga by a friend, and I’m already a little unimpressed just by the cover! 

This was actually one of the first pictures ever on this blog, but I didn’t know where it came from, plus, I had like 10 followers at the time, so I’ll re-post it so more people can see it! :)